A strong IP position can often enable a company to recognize one or more of the following benefits; e.g., the ability to:
- Defend markets (sales);
- Grow market share (revenues) through product differentiation;
- Diversify product lines;
- Increase valuation;
- Leverage sales;
- Decrease risk profile;
- Quiet or dampen competitors activities;
- Increase maneuverability in relevant markets;
- Enhance branding, marketing, consumer preferences, and good-will;
- Open new markets for protected products;
- Increase access to passive revenue;
- Increase attractiveness for favorable exit;
- Open new opportunities to partner/ joint venture with others;
- Increase defensive asset base;
- Enhance opportunities for collateralization of assets;
- Enhance succession/ wealth transfer planning;
- Secure competitive tech/ product position;
- Block competitors from moving into adjacent/ancillary/expansion product markets;
- Attract investors;
- Secure (more) favorable business agreements;
- Increase company’s attractiveness to talent/employees;
And more . . . If you’d like to discuss this topic in greater detail, please call!